greybeard's opblog

Just another weblog

Obama Debunked: Communist & Muslim Facts on Obama

by greybeard

Obama’s Budships:

“These people are a part of me,” says Obama.

Let me Be Frank with you…

Or as Obama might say without his telepromter,uh, um, auh,
“No really, uh, I want to be like Frank.”

This Obama sure seems to be seeking an identity from a very early age.

Has he figured out who He is yet?

Obama says he “ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.

Boy-o, he sure wants to ingratiate himself now doesn’t he? I’d like to say ‘frankly I don’t give a dam my dear’, but I can’t. It’s too important to keep dismissing as an untouchable subject.

Have we figured out who he is yet?

In his book, Dreams From My Father, Obama refers to his childhood friend and mentor, repeatedly, as just “Frank.”

Now, I don’t want to confuse you, so I’m writing this between beer breaks.

No, “Frank” was not an obscured, and mininalized, Roy Obama, Obama’s brother, whom Obama stated in his book he was so very proud of when he became a Muslim.

So…what’s Really behind door number 1?

Abongo “Roy” Obama, who is a Luo activist, and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”

Sound familiar? This guy’d fit right in Wright’s church.

But, nope, he’s not Frank. burp.

In fact all 3 of Obama’s half-brothers are Muslim.

And No, “Frank” is not, Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, whom Obama flew over to Kenya and supported in Raila’s Presidential quest… a quest reportedly involving secret paks to take over and install Shiria Law in in the country, while cleansing the Christian faith from the land. Apparently it’s taking place now anyway, through rebellion, after Raila was declared the loser in the presidential race. Odinga followers have burned Christians’ homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter.

Now we all know what Shiriah law is, right?

If you didn’t click on the Odings secret paks above let me just summerize what Baracks cousin will trade his country for to get power:

* Within 6 months re-write the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions.

* Within one year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters. [Note: everywhere in Kenya, not just in “Muslim declared regions.”]

* “Popularize Islam, the only true religion… by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa classes.”
* “Impose a total ban on open-air gospel crusades by worshippers of the cross…”
* “Outlaw gospel programs… on KBC, the National Broadcaster.”
* “Impose a total ban on the public consumption of alcoholic beverages…”
* “Impose an immediate ban on women’s public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith…”

You are all my brothers and sisters,” Senator Obama told Odinga’s communist and Muslim supporters.

Frank, also surely isn’t Odinga’s oldest son, Fidel, who is named after Fidel Castro. Seeing as Odinga, and his Father, are Communists I guess the ‘Fidel‘ is self explanatory.

Odinga’s 2007 Presidential website proclaims: “Vote for Change!”, Your Agent of Change”

Does Obama have a single thought, word, or slogan of his own?

Odinga is a communist… Odinga’s father was a communist.

Barack Husien Obama Senior was a communist: who wrote the following manifesto after returning to Kenya and recieving his fine (Kennedy sponsored – another lie) Harvard education.

1. Obama advocated the communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land, as part of a forced “development plan”, an important element of his attack on the government’s advocacy of private ownership, land titles, and property registration. (p. 29)

2. Obama advocated the nationalization of “European” and “Asian” owned enterprises, including hotels, with the control of these operations handed over to the “indigenous” black population. (pp. 32 -33)

3. Obama advocated dramatically increasing taxation on “the rich” even up to the 100% level, arguing that, “there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay” (p. 30) and that, “Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.” (p. 31)

4. Obama contrasts the ill-defined and weak-tea notion of “African Socialism” negatively with the well-defined ideology of “scientific socialism”, i.e. communism. Obama views “African Socialism” pioneers like Nkrumah, Nyerere, and Toure as having diverted only “a little” from the capitalist system. (p. 26)

5. Obama advocates an “active” rather than a “passive” program to achieve a classless society through the removal of economic disparities between black Africans and Asian and Europeans. (p. 28) “While we welcome the idea of a prevention [of class problems], we should try to cure what has slipped in .. we .. need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals shall control a vast magnitude of resources as is the case now .. so long as we maintain free enterprise one cannot deny that some will accumulate more than others .. ” (pp. 29-30) . . . .

These were the “Dreams of Obama’s Father”… the simple goat-herder according to our Obama.

You know Obama Jr. would like to leave certain things out of the information he provides us, but he knows he must. And when he has to explain things that he gets busted on he Inserts other variables surrounding a ‘keyword’ to tone it down. Much like:
Papa was a non practicing Muslim atheist, mama was a Kansas farm girl, a free willed traveler…says Obama.


It even sounds close enough to squelch further questioning.

All these Obama words are pretty lies.

Obama sat in a cafe in middle America and told Voters that his mother was ChristianPhotobucket

Obama’s mother is described by her friends as a “fellow traveler”. She is also most definately described as an atheist.

“The term, fellow traveler, is most often applied to a sympathizer of Communism.”

The man “changes” stories according to whatever audience, or local, he is speaking too. The man’s an artist for sure.

The truth is that there is a lot of Islamist, radical communist worshiping coincidences running about in this family…And a good deal of them want to take over Governments and install their versions of “change”…..

Obama seems to have this miraculous slippery way of shrugging off these Muslim images we see as if they don’t speak a thousand words, when the words, if taken in context, of the Obama ‘story’, speak for themselves.

Instead of coming out and saying – Hey, Take a hike !! I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with Muslims or me dressing up as a Muslim when I visit my Muslim families.

I’m proud to be Muslim. Or, I am proud that my family is Muslim. After all I’m a mixture of white, black, arab, and born with a Muslim name from the loins of an Arab-African Muslim father. So What?

Instead this image of Obama dressed as a Somali Muslim gets identified as a cheap shot of racist, divisive, and shameful fear tactics Of the Hillary machine; isn’t it funny that they never accused the GOP and the McCain machine ever. It isn’t the Gop’s Turn yet. It was always his opponent who was apparently attacking him. But when the ‘media’ is through destroying Hillary for ‘their’ Obama they’ll set their sites on McCain.
But I digress again.
Why deny that you proudly wore some African Somali garb, and why is it a cheap shot to be viewed in African dress up?

Is there more to the story?

Maybe Obama just doesn’t want people to comprehend that many in his Muslim family are a part of those radical ideas, of a One World Shiria law, and ethnic cleansing, that we are fighting against?

Maybe we don’t want to be reminded of the soldiers being mutilated and dragged thought the streets of Somalia by seeing Obama dressed so proudly.

Maybe the Jewish vote far outweighs the Muslim vote that Obama would lose.

Maybe Reverend Wright’s flavor of Christianity allows/allowed/ Obama to pull the wool over the eyes of this countries Christian vote that he will need to ever pull off capturing the office of the President of the United States!…”I am a Christian!


Why is Obama silent while Kenya burns? Well, it’s reported (refind) Obama was having conversations with Odinga during the New Hampshire primaries while people were being murdered. But Obama was never questioned on this relationship so he didn’t find himself in the position to have to explain that Odinga just wasn’t the man he knew,… as the man he knew.

As the guy said in that Jaws movie, as he saw what passed under the boat, “We’re gona have to get a bigger BUS…”

Hummm- wait, is that what he said?

As much as I am tired of reading the bus cliche’, “How many people are under the bus now anyway?”

In the “bus” link above it is revealed exactly how Obama lied in his ‘race speech’ when he portrayed his grandmother as a ‘typical white person’ afraid of blacks. Compared to Reverend Wright, who didn’t seem to make Obama ‘cringe’ at all, because Wright had reasons for his racism, ole granny took a shot for the cause.

Just how many fabrications have to be revealed about this charlatan before he ceases to be the Dems darling?

I’ve rarely seen anyone who so easily erases any questions of his past, even when he himself, who can’t be questioned, has provided us with words, an images, of his past.

One can not even say “Barack Hussein Obama”, his Arabic name, without being silenced.

On February 27th, speaking to Kristof of The New York Times, Barack Hussein Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

In an interview with Nicholas Kristof, published in The New York Times, Obama recited the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, “with a first-class [Arabic] accent.”
[Note to self: bear in mind for future political-thought. This is the “Sunni” version of the prayer – not Shite]

The opening lines of the Adhan (Azaan) is the Shahada:

Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet

According to Islamic scholars, reciting the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith, makes one a Muslim. This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim’s complete acceptance of, and total commitment to, the message of Islam.

Obama chanted it with pride and finesse.

Now, I write this basically to point out, and verify, another of Obams’s lies.
Obama, his website, all of his cronies, denied repeatedly that Obama ever went to a Muslim school, or that he was ever a Muslim.

Obama, or Barry Soetoro, was enrolled, as a Muslim, according to documents – in the Besuki Primary School, a public Muslim school in Jakarta. [He was also listed as an Indonesian citizen!; wrongly listed? How does one reportedly born in Hawaii become an Indo. citizen?]

So many questions and so little time. Tick Tick Tick…

Despite all the obfuscating denials, Barack said, in his BOOK, that he went to a Muslim school for 2 years, studying his Koranic verses, for goodness sakes.

Where else did he learn to recite the Shahada? dah.

Obama in his Book: “My mother was less concerned with me learning the catechism or puzzling out the meaning of the muezzin’s call to evening prayer than she was with whether I was properly learning my multiplication tables.”

A muezzin is the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.

In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies,” wrote Obama.

Obama seems to have missed out on the lessons of telling the truth, or telling so many of these truths… that one can’t keep track of them all…if ya know what I mean.

It appears Obama has at least the verbiage of the Sunni version of the Islamic prayer down pat. How’d he do that?

Do words matter?

So most people, including Obama, continue to write, and to report, that Obama is not, and has never been, a Muslim –
Obama’s campaign finally came out “to clarify” that what They really meant was, “Obama is not a “PRACTICING” Muslim.
In three months Barack’s campaign has gone from describing the U.S. presidential hopeful as never having been a Muslim and never having been raised as a Muslim to now having never having been a practicing Muslim.

Okee dokkee- now that we have established that it takes practice to be a Muslim. . . (See Worldwide Headlines???)
Why all the clever obfuscation to cover up that Obama at some point was a Muslim?

A former teacher at one of these schools, Tine Hahiyary, remembers a young Obama who was quite religious and actively took part in “mengaji” classes which teach how to read the Koran in Arabic.
He was quite religious in Islam but only after marrying Michelle, he changed his religion.”

Wake up America!

In an interview with the New York Times, published on April 30th, Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama’s younger half sister, told the Times, “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.”

[I read somewhere (refind link) that Obama’s sister also said he was a practicing Muslim until he married Michelle.]

I doubt seriously that Mr. Obama needs to look up the word ‘patrilineal‘. Obama knows that he was ‘born’ Muslim.

As I said above, it is also written that merely saying the Shahadah, as he has, means it is suppossed to make one a Muslim.

Do I think he is a practicing terrorist Mujahedeen type of Muslim? Not sure. The bus is still out on that one…Why did Obama go to Pakistan? Does he want the sunni to regain control of Iraq by pulling out?

Has he supported, and also provided funds too, terrorist organizations? Yes.(links to come)

Do I think he prefers the Wright & Farahkan Muslim brand of the Nation of Islam thinking? Yes.

Obama: “I gathered books from the library–Baldwin, Ellison, Hughes, Wright, DuBois…<span style="font-weight:bold;
“>Only Malcom X‘s autobiography seemed to offer something different…..I knew as well that traveling down the road to self-respect my own white blood would never recede into mere abstraction”

I think along the way Obama has varied his brands of politics and religions as he has been in search of his black-self and learning over the years how to best position himself for advantage and advancement.

Are ‘we’ confused?

Obama’s mom… she met Obamas Muslim father in a “Russian” language class in college… on the surface…hummm…another questionable obscurity? Back then wasn’t “Russian” -> Soviet? Why does a Hawaiian want to speak Russian? Where in the world would she use it for American benefit?
Especially from a mother who, while in Indoniesia, as quoted by Obama himself, said she detested America to Obama’s Muslim step-father in an argument they had. (re-find statement and link)

Then there are Obama’s grandparents who were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed ‘the little red church,’ because of it’s communist leanings.

Why do even the Commies think he’s a Communist mole!

Could the Muslims think he’s a Muslim mole? (yes- re-find the links and comments)

It is written in the Quran it is permissable, and required, to lie to your enemy. But then again, being Muslim and becoming a Christian is just about the worst thing an apostate Obama could do in the eyes of some of these Terrorists he wants to sit down with… it’s an offense to Islam that calls for ‘death’.

[re-find the articles that describe the Muslim world believing that Barack Hussein is only “Claiming” not not be Muslim – to fool the Satan Americans – (Indonesians also claim he was born over there; which btw, if so, would make Obama ineligible for the presidential Office.).]

Obama strikes me, when reading his words, as too arrogant to be a slave to a God he has conflicts with. It may explain why he was sent to Hawaii when he was 10 … mama, didn’t wanna see his head whacked off for insubordination maybe…or it could be to protect the young Obama from abuse. A predominate problem with Islamic school masters, then and now, was the practice of forced homosexuality on young boys. (refind article that 90% of Islamic school taught boys are closet homosexual because of this childhood abuse.)

Did Obama finally find himself comfortable in the Marxist theology of Black Liberation and the white person in himself he so desparately wants to distance himself from? Here, in the Wright Brand of Nicaraguan philosophy, Obama could advance ideology and carear without being on his knees as a slave to anyone while drawing the bitter collective together for power.

But, Where were we? Oh, yes, Frank… just the facts ma’am.

No, “Frank” is not Weathermen terrorists William Ayres or Bernadine Dohrn whom Obama spoke with as recently as 2005, yet publicly stated his only recollection of a meeting was over a decade ago.


We don’t want anyone questioning Obama’s relationship with Anti-American Bombers or Loans Obama approved as a Board member of the Woods Fund, Which William Ayers also sat on, to the Arab American Action Network, which has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization; A US Department listed terrorist organization.

What exactly has to be on one’s resume anyway to keep landing feet first in the middle of a bunch of dissidents and Anti-American opinined relationships?

But I digress. Again.

So who the hell is Frank?

Obama, in his Book, writes about “a poet named Frank…”

Obama sure has a way with words – doesn’t he? Another poet?

Wait for it…

It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist, and Obama did know.

Obama states so in his book.

Although he obscures Frank’s ‘notoriety‘, the message is clearly there for those who can pick up on who Frank is in context with the ideology being expressed in Obamas quest for self.

Obama writes in Dreams From My Father that he saw “Frank” only a few days before he left Hawaii for college, and that Davis seemed just as radical as ever. Davis called college “An advanced degree in compromise” and warned Obama not to forget his “people” and not to “start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit.

Davis also complained about foot problems, the result of “trying to force African feet into European shoes,” Obama wrote.

Obama’s mentors.

Obama’s associates.

Obama’s buds.

Obama’s family.

Obama’s politics.

Frank is just another in a growing looong list of Obama’s dubious fellowships.

Now that “Frank” is known, one has to wonder if “Frank”, will be added to the growing list of peoples who Obama disagrees with, but would never disown.

Or, would Obama use his usual excuse of, “Had I known…” or after exposure, “These are not the people I knew”…

When one follows in the footsteps of Obama one sees his ‘typical American shoes‘ don’t fit him agreeably. He even cloaks himself in a non Christian Christianity of hateful messages from the likes of Farakuan and Wright.

Obama’s own quotes regarding his resistance to Christianity were overcome by a Reverend Wright’s ‘BRAND‘ of Christianity.

One of hate, racism, Black Power, and rage against the USA.

So we really must question Obama’s character when we heard him say, “These people are a part of me.”

When we examine all these parts ,of Obama, his story is not a Chapter of character we want in the White House.

When one investigates the words that Obama uses in his messages there is a clear direction incorporated too.

Whose indoctrinated minds have their etymological antenna tweaked and hear metaphors of something completely different in Obama’s idiom than those of us unversed in loanwords?

Obama:…poverty of ambition – shared prosperity – slumber of indifference –

I mean who talks like this?

All words used by Obama surely seem to be linked to, and of, the peoples of socialist marxist-communist mindset and mantra.


Obama says: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”


‘Just words’? … Don’t tell me words don’t mean anything!

Is it unfair to hang a jacket on this guy, when it fits?

Who is this guy?

What is this guy?

Obama campaigned for socialist Bernie Sanders. Sanders is the first self-described socialist to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

I can’t figure out if Obama is Christian, Muslim, Marxist, Racist, Communist, Socialist, Black Nationalist, or Combinations…

Perhaps from those he was surrounded by, and those by choice he surrounded himslef with, the lil boy, to the grown man, in some ‘parts’, he is all of the above.

I fail to see how anyone can ignore the patterns.

And as we hear today Michelle Obama state:… “…you are justified in your ignorance. That’s America.”

Well, Michelle, America, “for all its flaws“, another of your hubbies qualified quotes, can not go down the path of an Obama Obamanation of Change.

What will Obama trade for power?

I shudder to think of the advisers an Obama president would surround himself with in the White House. He has two Nation of Islam soldierettes on his campaign staff. (Jennifer Mason and Cynthia K. Miller)

How about Bill Ayers as head of Department of Education…

Imagine that vision of “coalition politics”.

Taxi !!

All I can say is, God Help America, and… Frankly…can I get you a Rezko ‘deal’ with those fries?

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

"Abortion as a Contraceptive"

Obama’s Grandchildren a Burdensome Mistake?

One thing we know is Obama agrees with partial birth abortion. I explained once to a Dutch blogger what partial Birth abortion entailed and he said, …” that doesn’t go on!! No, Way!!


I had to prove it to him with links, articles , and photos. I suposse I could have just sent him Senator Obama’s Voting record. (I am gathering this recored– to be added very soon))

Yes, there are those like Obama who would promote Law to deliver a healthy child, leaving only the babies head in the birth canal, so no one can say the baby was ever BORN, obscuring it’s life by this practice, by reaching into the birth canal with an implement of death to crush the child’s head. I won’t even describe the disposal of the unwanted childs remains.

Obama even voted a Bill that allowed an aborted baby, born alive, to be removed to a room to be terminated. (refind the article)

Would Obama’s accidental Grandchildren be a mistake? Punishable by death? A burden so great that even the grandparents couldn’t help out?

Referring to contraceptive and his daughters in a speech today, April 1, 2008, Senator Obama said…” if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Setting a mother’s health issue aside, or that the child is alive, Obama’s opinion asks us to understand the ultimate punishment to babies, is exceptable to him because of the burdensome, inconvience, and responsibilty that the woman will suffer without the choice of abortion as a contraceptive… at last a proponent slips up describing the inconvient truth.

I’d bet , quite alot, that Not one of these principled pro choice -ers has ever walked into a room and stated: “Guess what! I’m having a fetus!!”

The pro-choice blogs I have read over time have mostly discarded this myth that They must have the right because of the health of the mother…they are quite clear in today’s advancement of slipperied sloped rights to choose, that , the choice now includes “mistakes”, inconveinence, and even ‘retribution’ towards a sex partner they are ‘mad at‘.

Obama takes the abortion issue even a step further than most.

Babies were being born alive and put into back rooms, or utility closets to die.

Make no mistake … Obama thinks that infanticide is A-ok.

Legislation was presented on the federal level and in various states called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. It stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.

BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote. Even Sens. Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry agreed a mother’s right to “choose” stopped at her baby’s delivery.

But in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part to then-state Sen. Barack Obama.

In a committee in 2001 and 2002, of which Obama was a member, Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on women’s rights or abortionists’ rights.

Obama voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed.

In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics.

Michelle Obama also came out with a letter calling for a luncheon get together to garner supporters to oppose the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Do you have to Wonder what was going on in Michelle’s Chicago hospital utility rooms?

With views like the above it probably is a very fortunate thing for Un-Born, partialy Born, and fully Born Americans that Senator Obama has been being paid to do a Job for the last 14 months that he hasn’t been doing.

Insert Obama’s abortion voting record here:

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

"Abortion as a Contraceptive"

Obama’s Grandchildren a Burdensome Mistake?

One thing we know is Obama agrees with partial birth abortion. I explained once to a Dutch blogger what partial Birth abortion entailed and he said, …” that doesn’t go on!! No, Way!!


I had to prove it to him with links, articles , and photos. I suposse I could have just sent him Senator Obama’s Voting record. (I am gathering this recored– to be added very soon))

Yes, there are those like Obama who would promote Law to deliver a healthy child, leaving only the babies head in the birth canal, so no one can say the baby was ever BORN, obscuring it’s life by this practice, by reaching into the birth canal with an implement of death to crush the child’s head. I won’t even describe the disposal of the unwanted childs remains.

Obama even voted a Bill that allowed an aborted baby, born alive, to be removed to a room to be terminated. (refind the article)

Would Obama’s accidental Grandchildren be a mistake? Punishable by death? A burden so great that even the grandparents couldn’t help out?

Referring to contraceptive and his daughters in a speech today, April 1, 2008, Senator Obama said…” if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Setting a mother’s health issue aside, or that the child is alive, Obama’s opinion asks us to understand the ultimate punishment to babies, is exceptable to him because of the burdensome, inconvience, and responsibilty that the woman will suffer without the choice of abortion as a contraceptive… at last a proponent slips up describing the inconvient truth.

I’d bet , quite alot, that Not one of these principled pro choice -ers has ever walked into a room and stated: “Guess what! I’m having a fetus!!”

The pro-choice blogs I have read over time have mostly discarded this myth that They must have the right because of the health of the mother…they are quite clear in today’s advancement of slipperied sloped rights to choose, that , the choice now includes “mistakes”, inconveinence, and even ‘retribution’ towards a sex partner they are ‘mad at‘.

Obama takes the abortion issue even a step further than most.

Aborted Babies, born alive, were put into back rooms, or utility closets, to die.

Make no mistake … Obama thinks that infanticide is A-ok.

Legislation was presented on the federal level and in various states called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. It stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.

BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote. Even Sens. Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry agreed a mother’s right to “choose” stopped at her baby’s delivery.

But in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part to then-state Sen. Barack Obama.

In a committee in 2001 and 2002, of which Obama was a member, Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on women’s rights or abortionists’ rights.

Obama voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed.

In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics.

Michelle Obama also came out with a letter (find letter) calling for a luncheon get together to garner supporters to oppose the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Wonder what was going on in her Chicago hospital utility rooms?

With views like the above it probably is a very fortunate thing for Un-Born, partialy Born, and fully Born Americans that Senator Obama has been being paid to do a Job for the last 14 months that he hasn’t been doing.

Insert Obama’s abortion voting record here:

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What the Communists’ Think of Obama

Obama A Communist Revolutionary Mole?

an excerpt from the People’s Weekly Worlda Communist agenda:

(3)… Obama’s victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle. Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary “mole,” not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through.

Now why is it that the Communists can view Obama and his views, and his History, and recognize a comrade in charms, while the rest of the Democratic Party would exalt Obama as the best of their best,putting out his fires causing smoke screens for the committed and undecided?

Look what is hanging on the wall of the Obama’s Houston campaign offices. It’s the flag of communist Cuba, embellished with the face of terrorist Che Guevara.

Are the Democrats so desperate for the White House that they would choke this Un-American camouflaged racist down our throats?

What do the Communist recognize that the swooners don’t?

What do the Communist recognize in Obama that we the ‘typically average’ non revolutionary do not?

Why do Communist think Obama has gone underground to obscure who, and what, he really is?

What message resonates with a Communist that you and I do not understand because we don’t speak their language?

WHY These tentacled relationships and associates Obama has had are ignored by millions of Obama Democrats perhaps goes to their years and years of being groomed towards the same mindset of what is called “the far left”- – even left of Left Liberal.

Why people don’t call things the way they are is disingenious – and dangerous for our Country.

Call “the far far left” what they are- Socialists, marxist, and Communist. Period.

Obama has the distinction of being the Number 1 lefty in The Senate.

The Senate knows Obama. The House knew. The Superdelegates know. The Media knows.

Obama has to have demonstrated the background in vernacular and writing a recognizable tone and model that gave him such a distinction.

Add in the formula that Obama has clearly defined his hidden self as a separtist concerned primarily with ‘the black community’ and their written racist bylaws, and their cradel of “Africa first motto”, one doesn’t have to be kicked by the donkey to question the Democratic Party Leaders patriotism, common sense, or intelligence.

Wake up Democrats. You are providing comfort and support for an Imposter.

NO! NO! No you can’t!

I think the Democratic Leaders should be called to Task for trying to turn our Country over to Obama and his marxist/Communist/racist/ sympathizers because they are afraid of a violent reaction of the black community, or that they will lose the future black Vote and their jobs.

This is a Sell out and Fold much like the Europeans to the violent Muslims manual of progress.

I have a suggestion for controlling violent behavior. It’s called break the law – go to jail.

This pacification going on all over the world is forcing peoples and Countries to give up their own laws, culture, and identities and being controlled through fear.

There’s just so much ‘tolerance’ one can be asked of before tolerance becomes intolerable.

Communists aside – Wait for the Muslim blog and what they expect Obama to be able to bring to them “changing” America; a change Obama already began with the special Muslim “food laws” he passed.

This is precisely how muslafication begins. Tiny steps.

Taxi!! taxi! – – – No! You infidel! You have booze in your luggage? you walk…!

America can not exist, as is, with two – three – four – systems of pacifications and adjusting to everyone elses cultures.
Where does it stop?

This is America. We have fought decades of Communism worldwide. The graveyards are full of sacrifice to prevent the model of Communism from spreading.

We can not tolerate a marxist, nationalist, jihadied, Communist or a racist Agenda in the White House.

Superdelegates need to be written too, just as we do to our Congressmen and Senators,( most of which appear to BE Superdelegates) and point out that their vote for Obama will be a Vote for a “Liberation” racist, a marxist ideology platform, and probable Treason.

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What the Communists’ Think of Obama

Obama A Communist Revolutionary Mole?

an excerpt from the People’s Weekly Worlda Communist agenda:

(3)… Obama’s victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle. Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary “mole,” not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through.

Now why is it that the Communists can view Obama and his views, and his History, and recognize a comrade in charms, while the rest of the Democratic Party would exalt Obama as the best of their best,putting out his fires causing smoke screens for the committed and undecided?

Look what is hanging on the wall of the Obama’s Houston campaign offices. It’s the flag of communist Cuba, embellished with the face of terrorist Che Guevara.

Are the Democrats so desperate for the White House that they would choke this Un-American camouflaged racist down our throats?

What do the Communist recognize that the swooners don’t?

What do the Communist recognize in Obama that we the ‘typically average’ non revolutionary do not?

Why do Communist think Obama has gone underground to obscure who, and what, he really is?

What message resonates with a Communist that you and I do not understand because we don’t speak their language?

WHY These tentacled relationships and associates Obama has had are ignored by millions of Obama Democrats perhaps goes to their years and years of being groomed towards the same mindset of what is called “the far left”- – even left of Left Liberal.

Why people don’t call things the way they are is disingenious – and dangerous for our Country.

Call “the far far left” what they are- Socialists, marxist, and Communist. Period.

Obama has the distinction of being the Number 1 lefty in The Senate.

The Senate knows Obama. The House knew. The Superdelegates know. The Media knows.

Obama has to have demonstrated the background in vernacular and writing a recognizable tone and model that gave him such a distinction.

Add in the formula that Obama has clearly defined his hidden self as a separtist concerned primarily with ‘the black community’ and their written racist bylaws, and their cradel of “Africa first motto”, one doesn’t have to be kicked by the donkey to question the Democratic Party Leaders patriotism, common sense, or intelligence.

Wake up Democrats. You are providing comfort and support for an Imposter.

NO! NO! No you can’t!

I think the Democratic Leaders should be called to Task for trying to turn our Country over to Obama and his marxist/Communist/racist/ sympathizers because they are afraid of a violent reaction of the black community, or that they will lose the future black Vote and their jobs.

This is a Sell out and Fold much like the Europeans to the violent Muslims manual of progress.

I have a suggestion for controlling violent behavior. It’s called break the law – go to jail.

This pacification going on all over the world is forcing peoples and Countries to give up their own laws, culture, and identities and being controlled through fear.

There’s just so much ‘tolerance’ one can be asked of before tolerance becomes intolerable.

Communists aside – Wait for the Muslim blog and what they expect Obama to be able to bring to them “changing” America; a change Obama already began with the special Muslim “food laws” he passed.

This is precisely how muslafication begins. Tiny steps.

Taxi!! taxi! – – – No! You infidel! You have booze in your luggage? you walk…!

America can not exist, as is, with two – three – four – systems of pacifications and adjusting to everyone elses cultures.
Where does it stop?

This is America. We have fought decades of Communism worldwide. The graveyards are full of sacrifice to prevent the model of Communism from spreading.

We can not tolerate a marxist, nationalist, jihadied, Communist or a racist Agenda in the White House.

Superdelegates need to be written too, just as we do to our Congressmen and Senators,( most of which appear to BE Superdelegates) and point out that their vote for Obama will be a Vote for a “Liberation” racist, a marxist ideology platform, and probable Treason.

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


by greybeard

…”E Pluribus Unum” is a motto found on the Great Seal of the United States. It also appears on the Seal of the President.

Does it appear to anyone but me that Obama seems to have designed his very own African style Presidential Seal?

See E Pluribus Unum Design at Obama’s site. .

[E Pluribus Unum or – Z? a Paintshop blow up sure looks like maybe the “E” is a “Z” Pluribus Unum ?? ]

The Obama Logo (The Big “O” with the rising Sun symbol) is depicted on 2 African flags – the rising sun means ‘a dawn of hope‘ …
(the rising sun on 2 African flags- a coincidence?)

In the image, above, the eagle carrying a Spearinstead of the 13 arrows [see spear-tip behind left wing; follow a line to bottom of shaft – quite Clear is a spear]

As I was researching Obama’s Trinity Church site I noted that the churches website “used too” display a Flag.
No, not a US of A flag.
You can view what it once looked like, before removal, here:
Or, if it disappears from there, here:

So, just what Flag is Red, Black, and Green?
The Black Liberation Flag
The Pan-African Flag
The Black Nationalist Flag

They are all the same flag. A Flag invented for the black race by Marcus Garvey.

When I take into consideration and context who Obama has been trying to emulate his entire life, his papa, and what Afrocentric message he has worshiped, Black Liberation, the Spear means to me an African Spear…(I do not believe a spear has ever been a symbol of particular American heritage- so what does the Spear symbolize?)

I believe the messages in Obama images are not a coincidence, but by design an obscured medium.

By itself I’m sure it would make any Black Nationalist a dreamy tattoo but when combined with the words E Pluribus Unum it appears to me a redesign of the Presidential Seal.

Isn’t it illegal to create (change) a representation of a presidential seal? I looked it up and wasn’t sure of the wording and it’s application here. Not sure.

It doesn’t feel ‘racist’ to me exactly – but it does feel like Obama keeps designing various symbolisms, in image and venacular, of separating himself ‘and his race’ while flam-boozeling a major proportion of voters with his One America jargon.

Is this one of those “changes” of Presidential ideas?

Even in the symbols of our Country – erie representations seem to revolve around Che Obama.

You have to wonder about, the Obambacity of Obama, and of course, Michell’s new White House china.


April 29, 2008 Posted by | E Pluribus Unum, Obama, Presidential Seal, symbols | 1 Comment


by greybeard

…”E Pluribus Unum” is a motto found on the Great Seal of the United States. It also appears on the Seal of the President.

Does it appear to anyone but me that Obama seems to have designed his very own African style Presidential Seal?

See E Pluribus Unum Design at Obama’s site. .

[E Pluribus Unum or – Z? a Paintshop blow up sure looks like maybe the “E” is a “Z” Pluribus Unum ?? ]

The Obama Logo (The Big “O” with the rising Sun symbol) is depicted on 2 African flags – the rising sun means ‘a dawn of hope‘ …
(the rising sun on 2 African flags- a coincidence?)

In the image, above, the eagle (? Turkey Vulture ?) is carrying a Spearinstead of the 13 arrows

As I was researching Obama’s Trinity Church site I noted that the churches website “used too” display a Flag.
No, not a US of A flag.
You can view what it once looked like, before removal, here:
Or, if it disappears from there, here:

So, just what Flag is Red, Black, and Green?
The Black Liberation Flag
The Pan-African Flag
The Black Nationalist Flag

They are all the same flag. A Flag invented for the black race by Marcus Garvey.

When I take into consideration and context who Obama has been trying to emulate his entire life, his papa, and what Afrocentric message he has worshiped, Black Liberation, the Spear means to me an African Spear…(I do not believe a spear has ever been a symbol of particular American heritage- so what does the Spear symbolize?)

I believe the messages in Obama images are not a coincidence, but by design an obscured medium.

By itself I’m sure it would make any Black Nationalist a dreamy tattoo but when combined with the words E Pluribus Unum it appears to me a redesign of the Presidential Seal.

Isn’t it illegal to create (change) a representation of a presidential seal? I looked it up and wasn’t sure of the wording and it’s application here. Not sure.

It doesn’t feel ‘racist’ to me exactly – but it does feel like Obama keeps designing various symbolisms, in image and venacular, of separating himself ‘and his race’ while flam-boozeling a major proportion of voters with his One America jargon.

Is this one of those “changes” of Presidential ideas?

Even in the symbols of our Country – erie representations seem to revolve around Che Obama.

You have to wonder about, the Obambacity of Obama, and of course, Michell’s new White House china.


April 29, 2008 Posted by | E Pluribus Unum, Obama, Presidential Seal, symbols | Leave a comment

Obama fond of Soviet Socialist Art?

This is a first draft about Obama’s Constructivism
-Soviet Socialist Realism –
-propaganda posters – commissioned and sold on Obama’s website.
The artist is Shepard Fairey who advertizes, Manufacturing Quality Dissent since 1989:

Another radical to add to the Obama list.

I haven’t pinned Faiery down to communism -so far- other than as symbolism that he likes…and he likes it mucho.

Then again it IS precisely this SYMBOLISM that is perhaps just one more image of who and what Obama represents and the ‘message’ he not only portrays but delivers with more of his arrogance .

Obama saw Shepard Fairey’s first “Progress” poster and Obama wrote Shepard a letter – and later Obama commissioned the “Change” and, “obey” “Hope” posters;

You will note in Obama’s letter that he has no problem with graffiti and defacing Americas public property

– of note the Lapel pin on the Progress poster-

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Obama fond of Soviet Socialist Art?

This is a first draft about Obama’s Constructivism
-Soviet Socialist Realism –
-propaganda posters – commissioned and sold on Obama’s website.
The artist is Shepard Fairey who advertizes, Manufacturing Quality Dissent since 1989:

Another radical to add to the Obama list.

I haven’t pinned Faiery down to communism -so far- other than as symbolism that he likes…and he likes it mucho.

Then again it IS precisely this SYMBOLISM that is perhaps just one more image of who and what Obama represents and the ‘message’ he not only portrays but delivers with more of his arrogance .

Obama saw Shepard Fairey’s first “Progress” poster and Obama wrote Shepard a letter – and later Obama commissioned the “Change” and, “obey” “Hope” posters;

You will note in Obama’s letter that he has no problem with graffiti and defacing Americas public property

– of note the Lapel pin on the Progress poster-

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Obama: "Just Words"

a very very Rough Draft-unfinished

Obama’s Plagerism, and pretty words combined, put an idea in my head, that if a man could be caught once borrowing other’s ‘words’ were there other words that he has ripped off that not just shows and empty suit, but a suit’s tailored character.

The man likes to borrow.

I mean the Senator even took the words “Audacity of Hope” from his Reverend Wright to use for the Title of his Book.

When in doubt, look for the patterns. The reflections…

Who is Obama?

What do you read? What interests your study habits?

What are the chances that what you regurgitate is what you have ingested?

REV. WRIGHT: Have you read James Cone???

Well, it seems to me if we can be what we read then Obams repetitions will show roots of what he has read. Perhaps what he has read shows an exposed message. Perhaps a clear ideology as Wright has clarified.
Is this eloquent repetouire his own? Who recognizes his words and their message when they hear them spoke?

After extensive reading myself, and searching of Obamas words, ‘just words’, seems to have a precise X on a map. Follow the keyword co-ordinates and see where one lands.

After looking at some of the words Obama has used attributed to “quotes” of Obama, even at his website, one of the first lines to jump out at me was: poverty of ambition

I mean who talks like that?

Obama:Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a <a href="
e+are+the+ones&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=us”>poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled.


Obama:…”We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition…”

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.

Has someone else actually said these words, besides Michelle Obama?

a quote: ”…poverty of ambition which made them set their sites to low.”

Who said this?
<a href="
R&sig=a02Y-0xkdxlKA9hupPNQSOqrnrw&hl=en”>Ernest Bevin: Minsiter of labour – Socialist -a notorious anti-Semitic canard of the 1920s; adhering to the policy of returning Jewish Holocaust survivors who tried to enter Palestine back to the Displaced Persons camps in Europe.

Obama: Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
BARACK OBAMA, speech, Feb. 5, 2008

“We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

Who said that?

1) “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” A song by Sweet Honey in the Rock… Began at the Black Repertory Company in Washington DC…has been producing music for more than 30 years…with a musical style rooted in the Gospel music, spirituals and hymns of the African-American church…and the African Disporsa.
They have addressed topics including motherhood, spirituality, freedom, civil liberties, domestic violence, and racism.

2) “We are the ones we have been waiting for“. A poem by June Jordan 1980…a Berkely racialy consumed radical lesbian activist.

3) Excerpted from Alice Walker’s We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness, first published by The New Press, November 1, 2006.

Alice walker regarding June Jordan: “We were not friends who saw each other often; not the kind of friends who discussed unpublished work. In fact, we sometimes disagreed profoundly with each other. We were the kind of friends, instead, who understood that we were forever on the same side: the side of the poor, the economically, spiritually and politically oppressed, “the wretched of the earth.” And on the side, too, of the revolutionaries, teachers and spiritual leaders who seek transformation of the world.”

In We are the Ones We have been Waiting For, Walker brings us a collection of meditations that draw equally on her spiritual grounding and her progressive political convictions. Walker encourages readers to have faith that despite the overwhelming situations we find ourselves in, we are prepared to create positive change.


Populism: The Politics of Popular Agency

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for; nobody else is gonna rescue us.” composed by Dorothy Cotton inspired by “Poem for South African Women” by June Jordan

Dorothy Cotton translates years of experience and learning into words and song bearing messages of hope.

Through “Songs of the Movement,” laughter and storytelling, Dorothy synthesizes the lessons from our history into a working vision for the future.
Martin Luther King, head of SCLC, who identified with the populist tradition sponsored citizenship schools across the South, directed by Dorothy Cotton, in which people learned skills of community organizing.
As a democratic tradition and philosophy, populism has three elements. It builds popular power to break up unjust concentrations of wealth and power. It advances values of community, liberty, and equality against the grain of dominant trends in modern cultures. And it is civically educative, developing people’s public identities, imaginations, and skills.
The black freedom movement had strong populist aspects in these ways, most often neglected.


I have many more quotes of Obama to add here that lead to same type of peoples and ideologies.

Anything ring bells here? I just typed the words in, I didn’t force google to return me radical’s bent on the waiting, revolutionaries, and the transformation of the world.
Do you begin to get the inkling that when Obama speaks he isn’t addressing America?

He is addressing certain segments of America.

April 29, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment